After Covid…Shortages
No, not of breath, although I have full sympathy for any/all long covid sufferers.
Rather, I refer to the short supply of many key components and materials, ranging from integrated circuits to display panels, to steel and packaging materials. Not only are key commodities more difficult to source, but prices have also escalated sharply and continue to do so.
A perfect recipe for severe business operating difficulties, allied to very uneasy and unhappy customers. There is no panacea for these supply issues, not even an endless budget can source the totally unavailable. However, there are ways to alleviate the problem and even maintain or build inter-company relationships. And the trick is… communicate!
Communicate Shortages Issues
If materials are delayed and this will impact supply to the client(s), let them know, communicate.
- In this instance would a partial shipment suffice, in the short term?
- Are there alternatives that can be sourced/offered?
- Could the overall plan/schedule be adjusted?
- Any other options?
- Can the customer assist in any manner?
- Major price fluctuations, communicate, explain and negotiate.
Whatever the issue, communicate and explain. The client won’t necessarily be happy, but they will be much happier if they are forewarned and can prepare accordingly. With an ongoing open communication process established it is far more likely that other information can be gleaned, regarding other/new requirements/opportunities. The overall needs of the customer (a critical interested party) can be checked and addressed.
In terms of ISO9001, this is section 4.2 Needs of Interested Parties and 7.4 Communication.
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