KISS. The Best Way.


Many believe that the ISO suite of standards provides a total framework for the operation of a business (Quality / Business Management ISO 90001, Environment ISO 14001, Data Security ISO27001 et al). This is simply not true. The ISO framework provides an outline/guidance as to what needs to be included within a comprehensive business management system, such as Purchasing and Vendor Control or an Internal Audit method and Management Review process. The detail of how this should be achieved is up to the individual and organization. The specific details depend upon the product/service on offer and the manner in which the business operates.

This is the first major misunderstanding of the ISO Standards framework; they are an overview of total requirements and not a fully specific itemized process or procedure. Each defined process must meet the needs of the business and comply with the stipulations of the relevant ISO Standard.


Keep It Simple

Documents produced to comply with a given Standard DO NOT require lots of embellishment and the addition of unnecessary descriptions. Here is the second area of failing, where companies add extra elements that they do not need and often do not perform. These omissions are then audited as failures to comply with their own issued standards, leading to Non-Conformances at audit. Hence the title KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid).

As is mostly the case in life and business, simple is good, robust and most often easily repeatable.

So, the ISO Standards don’t provide total solutions, merely guidelines and pointers. Hence consultants with experience in effective, simple processes can add significant value to a business during the ISO implementation cycle as well as clear guidance and support during the certification process.


The P + P Team

If you are looking to achieve certification in any of the ISO Standards, then Performance Plus are happy to discuss any and all of your requirements, and with a 100% success rate of first-time certification for our clients, we also know how to Keep It Simple!

You can contact us on:
Tel: 01284 330400

We work with small to medium-sized businesses across the East Anglia Region.