The B2B Exhibition – Hooray – Let the Show Begin! 

We feel ready.


We're exhibiting b2b exhibition- Performance Plus PartnershipYes, P+P is coming out of our Covid-19 bunkers and we’re very keen to meet friends, clients and potential new customers at the Norfolk Chamber B2B Exhibition on 14 October 2021 at the Norfolk Showground.

We have spent the pandemic supporting our customers, primarily on a remote basis. This has been an interesting and successful time. However, now as some normality is returning, the time has come to get out into the world and engage more fully with people.

What we have learnt from the past year and a half;

  • Our clients are a remarkably resilient, adaptable and positive group,
  • Remote working is viable for many and particularly attractive for some,
  • Remote external audits have been very positive experiences in general, and
  • Proper preparation leads to a smooth experience.

Your management systems

Now we are getting back to engaging / meeting with you, let’s consider how best your management systems can be adjusted to reflect the changes brought about by Covid-19. More importantly, what simplifications and improvements can be introduced. This is a great opportunity to both cement the positives and standardise the changes that had to be implemented during the pandemic.

If you have any queries then feel free to give P+P a call or, even better, come and visit us on Stand 81 at the Norfolk Showground on 14 October 2021. We would love to see you there.
tel: 01284 330400

We work with small to medium size businesses across the East Anglia Region in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge.